Please Note:
In order to submit your writing you must be a registered FOLLOWER.
Please Note:
In order to submit your writing you must be a registered FOLLOWER.
Submit your writing using the link below, or the QUICK SUBMIT link to the right, if you are a returning contributor. Be sure to enter your name, your pseudonym if you wish to use one, and the original year-date the piece was written, for copyright. If you are quoting some one else, or using an excerpt in your piece, be sure to indicate the original author in the body of your work (before or directly behind the quote/excerpt). You can expect to see your piece posted within 12 hours or less, as long as it falls within the PEACE guidelines (as described in the WELCOME message on the WRITER'S PAGE opening).
If you are willing to have your work appear in the Serene Promotions (TM) publication, Way-Finder Weekly, please indicate YES in the appropriate field on the Auto-Form submitter. The Way-Finder Weekly will be placed free-of-charge through out the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. It is anticipated that the Way-Finder Weekly circulation will continue to grow and that it's coverage area will expand to points north and east, perhaps as far as nation-wide. We hope you will be part of the growth!
One-hundred per cent of the after-costs-and-overhead profits of the Way-Finder Weekly will be used to establish a grocery certificate fund for single-parent, "second-chance" re-entry students who are commiting themselves to furthering their education in order that they may advance themselves, and their children, through education and/or entrepreneurship. We, as writers, the estsablishments that agree to have the publication placed in their locations free-of-charge, and the advertisers who purchase ad-space in the publications and online on our sites, will be the collaborators that encourage, promote and support these committed individuals in achieving their educational goals.
Together we shall be a voice that fosters
You will receive a confirmation e-mail upon submital.
A notification e-mail will be sent when the piece has been moderated and posted.
Thank you for contributing.
A notification e-mail will be sent when the piece has been moderated and posted.
Thank you for contributing.